Getting started

In this section you will get to know the necessary steps to create a simple multi-agent system using mango. For an introduction to the different features that mango offers, we refer to the Tutorial.

Creating an agent

In our first example, we create a very simple agent that simply prints the content of all messages it receives:

from mango import Agent

class RepeatingAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, container):
        # We must pass a reference of the container to "mango.Agent":
        print(f"Hello world! My id is {self.aid}.")

    def handle_message(self, content, meta):
        # This method defines what the agent will do with incoming messages.
        print(f"Received a message with the following content: {content}")

Agents must be a subclass of Agent. This base class needs a reference to the container that the agents live in, so you must forward a container argument to it if you override __init__().

Creating a container

Agents live in a container, so we need to know how to create a mango container. The container is responsible for message exchange between agents. More information about container and agents can be found in Agents and container

from mango import create_container
# Containers need to be started via a factory function.
# This method is a coroutine so it needs to be called from a coroutine using the
# await statement
async def get_container():
    return await create_container(addr=('localhost', 5555))

This is how a container is created. Since the method create_container() is a coroutine we need to await its result.

Running your first agent within a container

To put it all together we will wrap the creation of a container and the agent into a coroutine and execute it using The following script will create a RepeatingAgent and let it run within a container for three seconds and then shutdown the container:

import asyncio
from mango import Agent
from mango import create_container

class RepeatingAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, container):
        # We must pass a ref. to the container to "mango.Agent":
        print(f"Hello world! My id is {self.aid}.")

    def handle_message(self, content, meta):
        # This method defines what the agent will do with incoming messages.
        print(f"Received a message with the following content: {content}")

async def run_container_and_agent(addr, duration):
    first_container = await create_container(addr=addr)
    first_agent = RepeatingAgent(first_container)
    await asyncio.sleep(duration)
    await first_container.shutdown()'localhost', 5555), duration=3))

The only output you should see is “Hello world! My id is agent0.”, because the agent does not receive any other messages.

Creating a proactive Agent

Let’s implement another agent that is able to send a hello world message to another agent:

from mango import Agent

    class HelloWorldAgent(Agent):
        def __init__(self, container, other_addr, other_id):
                content="Hello world!")

        def handle_messafe(self, content, meta):
            print(f"Received a message with the following content: {content}")

We are using the scheduling API, which is explained in further detail in the section Scheduling and Clock.

Connecting two agents

We can now connect an instance of a HelloWorldAgent with an instance of a RepeatingAgent and let them run.

import asyncio
from mango import Agent
from mango import create_container

class RepeatingAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, container):
        # We must pass a ref. to the container to "mango.Agent":
        print(f"Hello world! My id is {self.aid}.")

    def handle_message(self, content, meta):
        # This method defines what the agent will do with incoming messages.
        print(f"Received a message with the following content: {content}")

class HelloWorldAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, container, other_addr, other_id):
            content="Hello world!"

    def handle_message(self, content, meta):
        print(f"Received a message with the following content: {content}")

async def run_container_and_two_agents(first_addr, second_addr):
    first_container = await create_container(addr=first_addr)
    second_container = await create_container(addr=second_addr)
    first_agent = RepeatingAgent(first_container)
    second_agent = HelloWorldAgent(second_container, first_container.addr, first_agent.aid)
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    await first_agent.shutdown()
    await second_agent.shutdown()
    await first_container.shutdown()
    await second_container.shutdown()

if __name__ == '__main__':
        first_addr=('localhost', 5555), second_addr=('localhost', 5556)))

You should now see the following output:

Hello world! My id is agent0. Received a message with the following content: Hello world!

You have now successfully created two agents and connected them.